Netezza error: Recursion detected in view expansion

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You may see this error when trying to query a view or create a view on another view.

ERROR: Recursion detected in view expansion

Netezza does not allow creating a view pointing to itself or any object with same name in a database. This is a departure if you are coming from other databases such as Oracle or Teradata. But there is a bug in Netezza which allows you to create a view pointing to itself if the view already exists.

To resolve the issue you have to recreate a view with correct definition for the query to run successfully.

1) If you create a brand new view pointing to itself you will get error:

TESTDB.ADMIN(ADMIN)=> create or replace view MyView1 as select * from MyView1;
ERROR: relation does not exist TESTDB.ADMIN.MYVIEW1

2) Now, if you create this view as valid view it will run fine:

TESTDB.ADMIN(ADMIN)=> create or replace view MyView1 as select * from T1;

3) Run select on view and it will run fine:

TESTDB.ADMIN(ADMIN)=> select * from MyView1;
<Runs Successfully>

4) Now, again try to recreate this view as we tried to create in step 1. It will work fine:

TESTDB.ADMIN(ADMIN)=> create or replace view MyView1 as select * from MyView1;

5) Run select on view and it will throw error:

TESTDB.ADMIN(ADMIN)=> select * from MyView1;

ERROR: Recursion detected in view expansion